Jumat, 20 Maret 2009
If the sharer has a different name than the main guest. For example the name of the main guest is Mr. Adnan Al Mishael and the sharers name is Mr. Al Mulhem Jamaal.
The sharer has the same name as the main guest, but YOUR HOTEL sponsors their visas. For Example: Mr. Jan Mohammed (Main Guest) Mrs. Jan Mohammed (Sharer’s spouse)
Sharer may not be created for arabic ladies.
How to make a sharer:
The sharers can be made through two options. They are B share and Combine Share.
B share: the option can be used when we already have a reservation with us but the guest has not yet checked in.
In order to make the share using the B share option go to Arrivals and Press B share and update the fields accordingly. Once the room is given to the main guest then it automatically updates the sharer’s reservation.
Combine Share option: The option is used to make the sharers even after the guest has checked in the hotel. It can be also used to make more than one sharer. In order to make the sharer, Make an add on reservation and use the combine share option available in the options field and update the profile using ‘Select another profile’ as already discussed.
Whenever the sharers are made please ensure that the number of pax is 0 and the rate code should be Share, which is zero as well. Ensure that there should be ‘Y’ in the no post field in the reservation screen of the sharer. Correct routing should be done.
Break Share option: The option is used to break the already existing share into two separate reservations.
Jika nama main guest berbeda dengan sharer, maka profile sharer harus di buat terpisah, contoh wanda wijaya (main guest) dan Oncom suroncom sebagai sharer.
Sharer mungkin tidak akan di buat untuk wanita arab
Cara membuat sharer:
Ada dua cara , yaitu dengan B share atau dengan Combine share.
B share: opsi ini di gunakan jika reservasi tamu sudah ada di system kita tapi tamu belom check in.
Caranya go to Arrivals dan tekan B lalu update semua kolom dengan benar, ketika kamar sudah di alokasi kan untuk main guest maka secara otomatis reservasi untuk sharer akan ter update..(gampang kan?)
Combine Share option: Yang ini bedal, kita bisa membuat sharer walauoun tamu sudah check ini di hotel, opsi ini juga bisa untuk membuat beberapa sharer berbeda ( lebih dari 1)caranya gunakkan the combine share option available in the options field and update the profile using ‘Select another profile’ as already discussed.
Ingat untuk selalu isi number of pax dengan 0 ketika kita membuat sharer, dan rate code di robah menjadi share, satu lagi no post selalu di tulis Y unutk sharer, kecuali ada informasi dari main guest tentang billing instructionnya/pembayaran extra nya.
Break Share option: Opsi ini di gunakan untuk memisahkan sharer atau menghilangkan sharer dari kamar main guest.
Kamis, 19 Maret 2009

“How to successfully manage complaints to benefit your company and you”
Firstly you have to know what is a Complaint?
“An expression of grievance or resentment”
“A statement expressing dissatisfaction with something”
“A gap between a guest’s expectations of service and a hotel perception of guests needs”
Greater customer loyalty
Less time and money spent attracting customer
A healthier bottom line
Better understanding of customer needs
· Internal satisfaction
· Improved self esteem
· The ability to process complaints more efficiently and effectively
“ Even if I had a problem with your company, id you do something nice to me, including something as simple as giving me a free hamburger, I will more likely to give you more of my business and tell others what a great company you are”
“ Complaints that customers bring directly to business are the most efficient and least costly way of getting information and understanding customer expectation about product and services”
Treat all guests with courtesy and respect
Apologize to the guest
Trust the guest
Deal with the emotion of the guest and then with the guest’s problem
Focus solely on the guest during the complaint
Do not interrupt the guest
Do not blame the guest
Do not promise the guest more than you can deliver
Do not blame your staff without finding out the entire story
If you are 100% certain and confidence in dealing with the guest’s problem or query…GO AHEAD SOLDIER!!!!
Respond “ communicate immediately with the guest obtaining all the details about the situation including timing, names, witnesses etc. empathize with the guest about the problem”.EX: “I am very sorry for this inconvenience, may I please know he person you dealt with and where and when this took place? I will attend to this matter immediately”
Recover “ apologize to the guest and bring the situation in your control by speaking to all internal colleagues involved in the situation”.
Confirm “ follow up with the guest about the actions taken and ask the guest if thet are currently satisfied with the situation and if there is anything else that can be done to satisfy the guest”
Document “ formally write down all the details, action taken, and names of the complaint”
Broadcast “ Make sure the documents are sent and received by all parties involved in the process, reporting to the H.O.D and GM for further assistance.”
Identify “ Find out exactly what the root cause of the problem was”
Take Action “ Take all possible actions to correct the situation at hand “
Review “ Follow through the action step taken to resolve the situation and confirm it if the step taken were the most beneficial to the guest and to the hotel”
Reply to the guest “Communicate to the guest all necessary steps taken to resolve thte situation
Confirm “ ask to the guest if all the step taken to resolve the situation were up to the guest satisfaction and if there is anything that can be done to satisfy the guest.
Rabu, 18 Maret 2009
Reservasi adalah proses awal dari kedatangan tamu ( guest cycle ), biasakan untuk menekan F5 ( hot keys ) untuk masuk ke menu reservasi, pastiin kamu memasukan nama tamu atau travel agent dengan benar.
Ada beberapa alasan kenapa kita harus memasukan data / nama tamu atau agen dengan benar:
a) In case reservasi lewat travel agent atau company yg ternyata sudah ada profienya di system kita, maka duplicate profile gak akan terjadi.
b) Sering kali ada kasus di mana reservasi lewat TA atau CO yang nikmatin Special
rate dari hotel, dalam kasus ini reservasi harus benar supaya rate yang di berikan pihak hotel gak nyasar ke agent/company lainnya.
Pastikan waktu kita mengisi berbagai fields di reservation screen, sepereti di bawah ini:
· Arrival and departure à tanggal harus di isi dengan benar.
· Rate code harus ke pick upp dengan benar juga.
· Market and source businessàtetep harus di isi dengan benar soalnya iini penting untuk laporan pihak management.
· Payment instructions pastiin kamu untuk double check, dan di sisi dengan benar karena ini menyangkut metode pembayaran tamu dan ini berpengaruh banget dengan revenue hotel dan nasib kamu bulan depan kalo sampai terjadi kesalahan.
· SR1 artinya source of business, SR2 artinya bagian dari source of business. Contoh: reservasi datang dari Indonesia SR1. nah SR2 nya bisa aja berasal dari Jakarta atau bandung. Hampir mirip dengan country and state/province.
· Geo 1 artinya tempat dimana si tamu tinggal/residence of guest dan GEO 2 tempat di mana reservasi di buat.
· Package, ada beberapa jenis element package yg bisa di add di reservasi, contoh XBA ( extra breakfast adult ) kalo ini di masukan dalam papket maka secara otomatis akan mempengaruhi rate dari harga kamar karena paket ini berhubungan dengan berapa jumlah tamu yang tinggal di dalam kamar, kalau terjadi discrepancy package breakfast maka hal yang harus kita lakukan adalah dengan membuat ALLOWANCE untuk breakfast, tapi jangan gegabah untuk melakukan ini, ada baik nya kamuj cek terlebih dahulu ke team leader atau langsung ke staff reservasi unuk menghindari kesalahan.
· Special field: setiap instruksi khusus atau permintaan khusus dari tamu dapat di masukan dalamm special field section contoh tamu minta baby cot , high floor, dll ini harus di update saat reservasi di buat untuk menghindari komplain dari tamu.
· PRT rate; ini pilihan untuk kita supaya mencantumkan harga kamar di registration form atau tidak, jangan sampai tamu travel agent jadi tau harga asli kamar kita. Selalu isi dengan N untuk tammu dari TA.
· Comp/House : jika complimentary basis harus di isi dengan Y atau jika house use kita harus isi dengan H ini berpengaruh terhadap occupancy report.
· Check out time : bertanya kapan waktu check out pada tamu lebih awal akan lebih baik, kenapa? Kita bisa mempersiapkan segala sesuatu nya sebelum tamu itu check out contoh, Bill tamu, transport, tiket confirmasi..ini akan berdampak baik terhadap servis hotel, tamu akan merasa special dan yg paling penting kita bisa mengantisipasi allokasi kamar ( room blocking ) ini sangat terasa kalo hotel kita sedang high occupancy.( back to back arrival)
· No post: ini di isi kalo kita tidak ingin charge dari FnB terposting di folio, contoh untuk tamu sharers dimana seluruh bill akan di bayar oleh main guest. Isi dengan Y di field no post otherwise leave it blank.
The other options in Reservations field are as following:
· Correction: opsi ini khusus untuk di gunakan sebagai koreksi dalam peng update an suatu profile yg di nilai kurang sesuai dengan standar.
· CXL Check in: tidak semua staff front office/reception atau reservasi bisa meng akses opsi ini, hanya staff tertentu ( supervisor atau shift leader, assmen atau manager ) untuk bisa membatalkan check in tamu.
· Rate Info: opsi untuk melihat harga kamar dalam currency lain.
· Profile: opsi untuk melihat profile tamu yang menginap atau yang pernah menginap di hotel, hal lainnya tentang profile sudah di share di volume sebelumnya.
· Options: macam macam opsi bisa dilihat di field ini, antara lain:
o Routing Instructions: saya akan diskusikan/share nanti
o Agent / Company: anda bisa memlihat profile TA atau CO di opsi ini, hal yang sama sudah saya share di volume sebellumnya,tekan E untukk melihat profile TA atau CO.
o Fixed Charges: opsi ini di gunakan untuk memasukan harga fix kamar ke folio tamu, kita harus ingat bahwa fix charge akan selalu ter pick up setiap hari secara otomatis sampai tamu check out, proses ini terjadi setelah night audit mennyelesaikan pekerjaannya( night audit runs ).
o Package Options: paket ini akan muncul jika ada paket paket tertentu yang telah di posting oleh system contoh; breakfast charges.
o Break Share: di gunakan untuk memisahkan atau menghapus sharer dari main guest.
o Combine share: opsi untuk menggabungkan share dengan main guest, kita diskusikan nanti deh….
o Show Share: memperlihatkan nama sharer.
o Traces: di gunakan untuk meng insert, view dan update traces untuk tamu ini juga kita discuss later..oke??
o Accompanying: disini kita bisa memasukan nama atau tanggal lahir dari sharer/tamu lainnya yang menginap dengan main guest.
To check an already existing Reservation:
Untuk mengecek reservasi yg sudah ada Go to reservasionàenterà masukan nama,tanggal check in, tapi yang lebih di saran kan adalah dengan memasukan no reservasi. Jika reservasi di buat melalui GDS, reservasi sudah tentu mempunyai CRS number, dalam kasus ini reservasi bisa di cek melalui CRS number di field CRS.
Atau kita bisa menggunakan hot keys Control + F7.
How to do a Suite Allocation:
Setelah reservasi di buat langkah selanjutnya adalah menggalokasikan kamar, biasanya tugas ini di lakukan oleh staff reservasi 1 hari sebelum kedatangan tamu, untuk memudahkan proses ini maka di perlukan check out time dari tamu yg sedang menginap, inilah mengapa kita harus aktiv menanyakan check outt time pada tamu yg sedang menginap.
Caranya adalah go to reservationà room assignment. Kalau kita tekan F3 system akan memunculkan semua kamar yg sudah siap untuk di jual ( inspected room ).
How to Print a Registration card:
Go to Front desk, all arrival, arrival dan tekan R. pastikan regcard di print di kertas khusus sesuai standard hotel/letter head paper.
1) untuk print tamu yang sudah check in pada hari yg sama gampang aja go to the FRONT DESK----ARRIVALS---ALREADY CHECKED IN
2) kalo kita perlu reg card dari tamu yg sudah menginap lebih dari 1 hari kita harus ke RESERVATION MENU
There are two options
· EITHER-------Enter the guest name and print the Reg. Card
· OR--------------Enter the Room number along with the correct arrival date of the guest
How to check in a guest
Gampang banget lho.. go to Front Desk, Arrival. Click on All Arrivals and press 8 to check in the guest. Selalu di saran kan untuk men double check status kamar di system dan ke house keeping supervisor sebelum men check in kan tamu di system untuk menghindari complain. The check in should be shown as soon as the guest enters the suite.
Copy right bye ONCOM….
- Profile banyak membantu dalam pembuatan semua report hotel, dan ini sangat penting bagi pihak manajemen.
- Profile juga memberi kita informasi u8nutk kepentingan korespondensi kita.
- Profiles membanntu kita dalam memberikan pelayanan lebih baik kepada tamu, karena dengan adanya profile tamu kita akan sedikit/banyak mempunyai inmformasi penting tentang tamu kita.
Profiles are of Different types
Travel Agent
Cara membedakan antara Travel Agent dan Company Profiles kamu tinggal cek aja Field Type. Jika itu ‘T’, maka berarti travel agent dan jika ‘C’ mamka itu berarti Company. Ini diantara nya :
Kalo kamu liat ada $ blinking di field company profiles berarti mereka mempunyai special rate di hotel kita.
Jika TA dan CO status nya hanya credit basis dengan hotel kita maka Credit Department akan memberikan AR number yg artinya Accounts Receivable number. Nomer yang sama selalu di update di AR field dan informasi juga selalu di update di Remarks Section. (Whenever the guest carries a Travel Agency voucher or a reservation is through Travel agent or Company, his reservation is connected to that particular Travel Agent. It is the duty and responsibility of Guest Services Executive on the floor to check whether the Travel agent or Company is on Credit Basis with the hotel. The same can be done by checking the profile of the company and travel agent and whether the AR number is mentioned or not.)
Untuk masuk ke profile kamu harus masuk ke Front desk screen dan enter Profiles. Untuk melihat guest in house go to the reservation screen of the guest and then press ‘5’ or select the profile.
Ingat jangan membuat duplicate pada profile tamu, usahakan tiap tamu mempunyai profile nya masing masing, nanti kita diskusiin kenapa..
· Last Name and the First name: Selalu di awali dengan hurup besar. Pengejaan kata harus benar, nama 2 arab seperti Al, El harus tetap di gunakankarena itu penting bagi merekai
· Language: pada field bahasa kita hanya mencantumkan E untuk semua tamu, dan bagi mereka yg berasal dari german kita bisa mencantumkan G
· Title Code and VIP status: Ini bisa kita cek dengan menekan angka 9, akan ada beberapa pilihan. Selalu pilih yang sesuai dengan data dari tamu.
· Address: ini contoh dari penulisan alamat yg di anjurkan, tidak ada singkatan kata. For Example:
Boulevard (Not Blv)
Street or Strasse (not Str)
Avenue (not Av)
P.O.Box (not: pobox or POBOX or P.o Box etc.).
Jika ada 2 alamat yg berbeda seperti alamat kantor dan rumah, maka alamat kantor yg sebaiknya di tulis di main profile dan alamat rumah bisa kita tulis di remarks.
Country: tempat/negara dimana tamu itu tinggal, tekan 99 unutk informasi
State: ini hanya akan muncul unutk 4 negara yaitu:
Saudi Arabia
Great Britain.
Nationality: Usahakan ini di isi sesuai dengan passport ID card tamu.
Passport Type and the number: kita harus teliti memasukan nomer ID card/passport dengan benar dan juga tanggal expired nya usahakan untuk double check, disarankan untuk men scan atau fottocopy sebagai back up kita…
Telephone Numbers: untuk telephone harus di isikan sesuai standard hotel contoh:
Jakarta landline: 3442828
Bandung: 22 4709887
International Numbers (Country code without 0 (space) area code (space) number)
44 20 7456895
966 1 4534264
91 11 7011731
49 20 7265895
E-mail: sangat penting jangan sampai tetukar dengan website, ini bagian terpenting dari pengisian profile tamu setelah alamat tamu dan no telppon.
· CORRECTION: digunakan untuk membuat koreksi
· SELECT ANOTHER PROFILE: sama seperti apa yg di sebutkan ini untuk memilih profile lainnya contoh jika profile yg ke pick up salah maka kita bisa memilih profile lainnya( menggantinya
· REMARKS: setiap feedback dari tamu harus kita update di remark field. The guest likes and dislikes harus pula kita update. Intinya field ini di buat untuk memuat semua informasi penting tamu untuk membantu kita dalam memberikan pelayanan yg baik atau personal servis pada tamu,
· HISTORY: akan menujukan frekwensi tamu menginap di hotel kita termasuk pengeluaran nya / bills nya.

a) In case if the reservation is through a travel agent or a company which already has a profile (information pertaining to the guest/company) with us, putting the correct name ensures a duplicate profile is not created.
On the reservation screen while filling in the various reservation fields, ensure the following things:
· Arrival and departure date should be correctly filled.
· Rate code picked should be correct.
· Market and source of business should be filled in correctly as they serve as an important source for the various management reports.
· Payment instructions should be filled in correctly and should be rechecked once the guest checks in the hotel. Credit card numbers are to be entered with the spaces as imprinted on the card.
· Sr1 means the source of business. Sr2 is the sub classification of the source of business. For example if the reservation comes from U.A.E then SR 1 is UAE and SR2 can be Dubai, Abu Dhabi or any other emirates.
· Geo 1 means country of residence of the guest and Geo 2 is the sub classification of the same.
(For example if we get a reservation for a German guest staying in UK and calling up from America then SR becomes America (since the booking came from America) GEO becomes UK (The place where the guest resides)
· Package: There are various package elements that can be added to a reservation For example XBA, which means extra breakfast adult. If the same is put in the package field then the suite rate would be adjusted for the extra breakfast, as per the number of persons staying in suite. If the package does not include the breakfast but reservation has sold the breakfast as a part of the package, then by adding BIL in the package field would ensure that the allowance is created for the breakfast. (What needs to be done if the package includes breakfast and there are two adults and two children in the suite???)
· Special Field: Any special instructions or requests received from the guest can be entered in the special field section. For example if there is xx in the package field then it means ‘Do not change the blocking’ another example BC ‘Baby cot required’. (If the guest has requested for any particular newspaper then it has to be updated in the special field.)
· Prt Rate: indicates whether the bill printed should have suite rate or not. In case of travel agents it should be always be set as N.
· Comp/ House: If the suite is on a complimentary basis then it should have “Y” and if the suite is on House use then it should have “H”, otherwise it should be left blank. If the same were not done then the suite would not appear in the complimentary and house use report generated by the system.
· Check out Time: The time when the guest would check out. The guest should be asked a day or two in advance for his check out details so that the guest services are fully prepared for his check out. We must check with him for his transportation requests if any? This helps a lot in suite allocation especially when there is high occupancy and back to back arrivals
· No Post: The field is used if you do not want any food and beverage charges to be posted in the folio. For Example in the case of the Sharers, where the entire bill is to be paid by the main guest then no post field could be marked as ‘Y’. This only works for individual SBU and not for other .
· Notice 1: The field should mention the billing instructions of the guest. For example, if the room is billed to travel agent then RO – TAG, Extras POA. It should clearly indicate the billing instructions. Other examples includes BB TO TAG, which means Bed and Breakfast is to travel agent and the rest the guest would be paying from his personal account.
The other options in Reservations field are as following:
· Correction: The option is used in order to update or make any changes in the reservation screen.
· CXL Check in: The option is used in order to cancel the check in. The option is not accessible to everybody and is vested only with Seniors and Reservations.
· Rate Info: Converts and provide the rate of the suite in any other currency selected from the pick box.
· Profile: On selecting profile, you can enter the profile of the in house guest. The same has been explained later in details.
· Options: The option has several other options which are as following:
o Routing Instructions: Discussed later in details.
o Agent / Company: You can see the name and profile of the travel agent or company attached to that particular reservation. The same has been explained later in details. Please ensure to press ‘E’ whenever you want to check the profile of the selected travel agent.
o Fixed Charges: The option is used to enter the fixed charges to the folio. You must remember that the fixed charges would be posted everyday until check out after the night audit runs.
o Package Options: The package options will show if there is any defined package items, which have been posted by system. For Example Breakfast charges.
o Break Share: It is used in order to break or remove the sharer from the main guest.
o Combine share: As the term implies is used to combine or add the sharer to the main guest. It is discussed later in details.
o Show Share: Shows the name of the sharer to the main guest.
o Traces: It is used to insert, view and update the traces for the guests. It is discussed later in details.
o Accompanying: Through this option you can insert the name and the birthday date of the companions of the guest.
To check an already existing Reservation:
In order to check an already existing Reservation, Go to reservation, Press enter, and click on any of the available option like name, Arrival Date. The best way to check the reservation is through the reservation number. If the reservation is through the Global Distribution System then the reservation would have CRS number. In this case the reservation can be checked by entering the CRS number in the CRS field.
The other option available for checking any reservation is through the hot key which is Control + F7.
How to do a Suite Allocation:
Once the reservation is made then the next step is Suite allocation. The suite Allocation is generally done by the Reservations Department a day in prior to the arrival. In order to have the correct suite allocations it is important to have the correct departure time of already staying guests.
The suite allocation is done keeping in mind the special requests if any, the number of days for which the guest is staying. As in our hotel due to fluctuation in the occupancy the reservation department tries to open the minimum number of floors to accommodate all the reservations. The same is done in order to use all the resources efficiently.
To do the suite allocation, go to the reservation, and then room assignment. If you press F3, the system would give all the inspected suites with their attributes and the suite can be selected.
How to Print a Registration card:
To print a registration card go to Front Desk, Arrival, All Arrival and Press R. The registration card of the arrival guest would be printed. Ensure to print the reg. Card on the Burj Al Arab letter head paper.
1) To print the Registration card for a guest who has already checked in today, simply go to the FRONT DESK----ARRIVALS---ALREADY CHECKED IN and then print the desired Registration card
2) Should we wish to print the Registration card for a guest who is already in house since two or more days, kindly go to the RESERVATION MENU
There are two options
· EITHER-------Enter the guest name and print the Reg. Card
· OR--------------Enter the Room number along with the correct arrival date of the guest
How to check in a guest
In order to show a check in of a guest, go to Front Desk, Arrival. Click on All Arrivals and press 8 to check in the guest. It is always advisable to check the status of the suite before checking in the guest. It should be always inspected by the housekeeping supervisor. The check in should be shown as soon as the guest enters the suite.
Selasa, 17 Maret 2009

The term profile in Fidelio refers to the personal information of the guest. They are of vital importance to the hotel. The profiles should be correctly filled and updated in the system using the correct standards as set by the hotel. The importance of profiles are as following:
They help in generating statistics and various reports, which are of great importance to the management.
They give us all the relative information and provide correspondence for all our guests.
Profiles help us in providing more personalised service as all the important and relative information of the guests are fed in and hence increases guest satisfaction.
Profiles are of Different types
Travel Agent
To differentiate between Travel Agent and Company Profiles you have to check the Field Type. If it is ‘T’, it means travel Agent and if it is ‘C’ it means a company profile. The major difference among a travel agent, company and individual profile:
Many a times the companies and travel agents enjoy a special rate with the hotel. In the same case there would be a blinking Dollar sign, $, which indicates that the company enjoys a special rate.
In case if the travel agent and companies are on Credit Basis with us, then the credit Department gives an AR number which is also called as Accounts Receivable number. The same number is updated in the AR field and the information is also updated in the Remarks Section. (Whenever the guest carries a Travel Agency voucher or a reservation is through Travel agent or Company, his reservation is connected to that particular Travel Agent. It is the duty and responsibility of Guest Services Executive on the floor to check whether the Travel agent or Company is on Credit Basis with the hotel. The same can be done by checking the profile of the company and travel agent and whether the AR number is mentioned or not.)
To enter the profile, you have to go to the Front desk screen and enter Profiles. To check the profile of the in house guest you can go to the reservation screen of the guest and then press ‘5’ or select the profile.
The main guest profiles are always to be saved by putting Y into the save field and also the sharer profile to be saved.
We should always remember not to create duplicate profiles. Please ensure that the information is correctly filled and as per the set standards which are discussed as following:
· Last Name and the First name: The name should always have the first alphabet in Caps followed by small letters. Correct punctuation should be used. All the Arabic names starting with Al or El should be entered like Al Melehi, or Al Arab. There should be a space between Al/ El and the next word and no Hyphen! Or comma. In case of German names there should be no Umlaut (Ö,Ü,Ä, etc as they would not print on the registration cards) instead of that we will use
Ö = oe
Ü = ue
Ä = ae
· Language: The language should be marked as E for all the guests other than those who only speak German where G can be marked.
· Title Code and VIP status: The correct title code and VIP status should be chosen by Pressing 9. The pick box will appear and the correct code and status can be chosen.
· Address: The address field should not have any commas or Dots and there should be no abbreviations. For Example:
Boulevard (Not Blv)
Street or Strasse (not Str)
Avenue (not Av)
P.O.Box (not: pobox or POBOX or P.o Box etc.).
If there are two addresses that is company and residential, then we update the company address in the main profile screen and the residential in the remarks section of the profile.
Country: means the place of residence (Where the guest lives) – It is not necessary to be the same as that of the nationality of the guests. For Example: If the Guest is German but stays in America then the Country would be America and not Germany. To choose the country press 99 for the pick box, the system will give the list of abbreviations.
State: The state would only appear for four countries. They are:
Saudi Arabia
Great Britain.
For the reaming countries the State field should be kept as blank.
Nationality: The nationality of the guest should be correctly picked form the pick box.
Passport Type and the number: You can choose and enter between the Passport, Driving Licence, and Identification from the pick box. As per laws and regulations all the in-house guests should be carrying any type of identification, and they should be correctly registered in the system. We should always ensure to take the clear photocopy of the identification and correctly fill up the details including the date of birth, issue and expiry date.
Telephone Numbers: The telephone numbers should be fed with set standard which are as following:
Dubai Landline: 3017014 (No 4 or 04)
Other Emirates: 6 3215161 (Emirates code without 0)
International Numbers (Country code without 0 (space) area code (space) number)
44 20 7456895
966 1 4534264
91 11 7011731
49 20 7265895
E-mail: An e-mail address should not be confused with a web site. In the e-mail field just put the email address and not the web address. In case if the guest has a web address, put it in the remarks section.
Company Name and the Guest profession: The name of the company in which the guest works for and his designation should be input in this field. In case if the Guest profession does not match with the listed professions in the pick box then write the Guest Profession in remarks section and put OTH in the profession field.
· CORRECTION: The option is used in order to update and write the profiles.
· SELECT ANOTHER PROFILE: As the name says, the option is used in order to select another profile. For Example while creating a sharer through Combine share option, the profile needs to be changed from the main guest to sharer. Selecting this option can do the same. Another example is if the wrong profile has been picked up then you can correct it by going through ‘ Select Another Profile’ option.
· REMARKS: Any guest feedback or important comments during the stay should be updated in the remarks field. The gust likes and dislikes should be updated as well. In case if the guest is carrying American Express Card and is settling his bills with the same card, the Batch code should be updated in the Remarks field. We also update any late check- outs given. In case if the guest has celebrated any anniversary, birthday, honeymoon and was given special amenities, same needs to be updated in the remarks field. Once the information has been entered in the remarks field, it starts blinking, which indicates that the Remarks field contains some information.
· HISTORY: Would indicate all the stays of the guest with the hotel. It would also show the total rooms and food and beverage revenue generated by the guest on his previous stays with the hotel.
Senin, 16 Maret 2009
10 tough question on interview

1. Tell me about yourself.
Wrong. What the hiring manager really wants is a quick, two- to three-minute snapshot of who you are and why you’re the best candidate for this position.
So as you answer this question, talk about what you’ve done to prepare yourself to be the very best candidate for the position. Use an example or two to back it up. Then ask if they would like more details. If they do, keep giving them example after example of your background and experience. Always point back to an example when you have the opportunity.
“Tell me about yourself” does not mean tell me everything. Just tell me what makes you the best.
For example: “You should hire me because I’m the best person for the job. I realize that there are likely other candidates who also have the ability to do this job. Yet I bring an additional quality that makes me the best person for the job--my passion for excellence. I am passionately committed to producing truly world class results. For example . . .”
Are you the best person for the job? Show it by your passionate examples.
For example: “Within five years, I would like to become the very best accountant your company has on staff. I want to work toward becoming the expert that others rely upon. And in doing so, I feel I’ll be fully prepared to take on any greater responsibilities which might be presented in the long term. For example, here is what I’m presently doing to prepare myself . . .”
Then go on to show by your examples what you are doing to reach your goals and objectives.
An example: “My education has focused on not only the learning the fundamentals, but also on the practical application of the information learned within those classes. For example, I played a lead role in a class project where we gathered and analyzed best practice data from this industry. Let me tell you more about the results . . .”
Focus on behavioral examples supporting the key competencies for the career. Then ask if they would like to hear more examples.
A sample answer: “Yes, I’m very much a team player. In fact, I’ve had opportunities in my work, school and athletics to develop my skills as a team player. For example, on a recent project . . .”
Emphasize teamwork behavioral examples and focus on your openness to diversity of backgrounds. Talk about the strength of the team above the individual. And note that this question may be used as a lead in to questions around how you handle conflict within a team, so be prepared.
For example: “Yes, I have had conflicts in the past. Never major ones, but there have been disagreements that needed to be resolved. I've found that when conflict occurs, it helps to fully understand the other person’s perspective, so I take time to listen to their point of view, then I seek to work out a collaborative solution. For example . . .”
Focus your answer on the behavioral process for resolving the conflict and working collaboratively.
You should select a weakness that you have been actively working to overcome. For example: “I have had trouble in the past with planning and prioritization. However, I’m now taking steps to correct this. I just started using a pocket planner . . .” then show them your planner and how you are using it.
Talk about a true weakness and show what you are doing to overcome it.
Then you can answer the question like this:
“I believe she would say I'm a very energetic person, that I’m results oriented and one of the best people she has ever worked with. Actually, I know she would say that, because those are her very words. May I show you her letter of recommendation?”
So be prepared in advance with your letters of recommendation.
Here is a sample of how to respond: “The key quality in a successful manager should be leadership--the ability to be the visionary for the people who are working under them. The person who can set the course and direction for subordinates. The highest calling of a true leader is inspiring others to reach the highest of their abilities. I'd like to tell you about a person whom I consider to be a true leader . . .”
Then give an example of someone who has touched your life and how their impact has helped in your personal development.
For example: “Although I’m overall very happy with where I’m at in my life, the one aspect I likely would have changed would be focusing earlier on my chosen career. I had a great internship this past year and look forward to more experience in the field. I simply wish I would have focused here earlier. For example, I learned on my recent internship…” …then provide examples.
Stay focused on positive direction in your life and back it up with examples
